Thursday, June 30, 2011

Video - 10 Minute Office Yoga Workout

If you have a desk job, you know how stiff and achy your body can be after sitting all day. Here is a quick and easy yoga workout that can be done right in your office on your lunch break, in under 10 minutes. (Caution: Some of these moves may be hard on your lower back. Be sure to consult with your healthcare practitioner before beginning any new exercise routine, and use common sense - if a stretch or exercise hurts, don't do it!)

Use this quick and easy workout to strengthen, stretch and lengthen your muscles, prevent neck and back strain, and energize yourself during your work day.

Energizing Office Yoga - Inside Yoga Today Ep. 10
Oxygenate your blood, clear your mind, and stretch & tone your muscles with this energizing office workout with Neesha Zollinger. Its quick and can be done at your desk, in business attire.

More Office Yoga Workouts:
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