Thursday, September 22, 2011

Stomach Exercises for the Lower Abs

An important and sometimes neglected step in stomach exercise routines is isolating particular muscles within the abdominal group. One such set of muscles which needs isolation in order to be exercised properly are the muscles in the lower stomach. There are a number of stomach exercises which isolate and work these muscles. As with any workout routine, be sure to consult a professional before beginning and always warm up properly to avoid injury.
Crunchless Crunch
This first exercise is fairly simple but can also be fairly difficult. Essentially, it involves trying to pull the belly button in towards the spine. This can be tricky, as it involves using muscles which you may not be used to activating. To start, either lie or on your stomach or kneel. You might want to try both ways and see which helps you feel the exercise better. Relax your body as much as possible, then try to use only the lower abdominals to move your belly button toward your spine. Hold for ten seconds. If holding for ten seconds feels easy, hold for a longer period. The goal is to hold the contraction until you either cannot feel it, or you feel other muscles working harder than the transverse abdominus. When you feel this, let the contraction out.
Alternating Toe Touch
You will need to lie on a flat surface for this stomach exercise. The floor works best, using a mat or towel to cushion the spine. Lie on the floor and put your feet straight up in the air. Extend your right arm and use your lower abdominals to lift your shoulders off the floor. Touch your left toes with your right hand, then lower yourself back down. Switch hands and repeat. Keep your knees straight throughout and maintain a space between your chin and chest. (Note: This one can be a bit hard on the lower back, so if you have back problems skip this one at least until you are stronger.)

Reverse Crunch
While you are still on the floor, try this stomach exercise. Bring your knees in towards the chest, and cross your ankles. Place a pillow or ball behind your knees, and grip with your calves to hold it in place. Relax your arms at your sides. Using your lower abdominals, roll your hips up off the floor, as though trying to touch your knees to your chin. Roll back down until your tailbone touches the floor, but be sure not to let your lower back arch off the floor. Repeat 10-20 times, then switch ankles and repeat. It seems like such a simple and easy move, but you will really start to feel it in your lower abs! And it's much easier on your low back than some other ab exercises.
Lower Back Flatten
Lie on your back on the floor, knees bent, feet flat. Let your lower back lift off the floor in its natural curve, and relax your upper body. In this exercise, you want to use your lower abdominals to push your lower back toward the floor and eliminate the space. Try to focus on pushing with only your lower abdominals and not your legs. Your pelvis will rotate slightly, which is fine so long as the lower abdominals are doing the work. Once you have got your back flat to the floor, hold the contraction for ten seconds. Again, you should continue to build on this time as your stomach muscles gain strength and endurance.

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