Thursday, December 10, 2015

[Video] 4-Minute Holiday HIIT Workout

Too busy to keep up your regular workout routine this month? No problem! Remember, it doesn't have to take 2 hours of exercise a day to stay fit during the Christmas season, but it does take consistency. You can still get a great workout in under 5 minutes with the right intensity and dedication. Here is a good example.

This workout only takes about 4 minutes - it's super quick and intense. You can do this one as before breakfast cardio (super fat burner), as finishers to your regular workouts (to get ripped), or just to get some exercise and keep up your fat-burning efforts on days when you don't have time for a full workout.

Please Note: This is a high-intensity workout! You should consult with your doctor or personal trainer before attempting this workout, especially if you are at a low fitness level. Always listen to your body, and pay attention to proper form when performing each exercise to avoid injury.
This powerful little workout will help you burn fat not just while you're doing it, but all day long afterwards. With workouts like this, you can keep fit and keep off those holiday pounds, even during the busy holiday season!

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