Saturday, January 1, 2011

Keep Your Exercise Resolutions This Year!

To A Happy New Year!Image by Scott Barlow via FlickrNow that you've set some specific and attainable resolutions for getting healthy this year (see previous post), here is a quick article on how to make sure you actually KEEP those resolutions!  Most resolutions tend to go by the wayside before spring even turns to summer, so they don't really do you much good. I prefer the word "goals," but regardless, putting a plan into practice to actually achieve these resolutions is a great help to making sure you actually get to where you want to be.

Check it out, and please feel free to share your own exercise and health resolutions below, as well as your tips for keeping them!

Happy New Year!

Keeping Exercise Resolutions | AstroNutrition
So now that the New Year is officially right around the corner it is certainly time to get into gear and make those resolutions. If you are like many people though, you will probably be making the same ones you've made each year.
Publish Date: 12/28/2010 16:59

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