Tuesday, January 6, 2015

How To Stay Motivated To Meet Your New Year Fitness Goals

Staying fit or losing weight is not an easy task. Just like everyone, you probably have other things you need to do or would rather be doing, but being healthy really is possible for anyone who tries. This week we will discuss how to stay motivated to meet your New Year fitness goals.

1. Create More Than One Goal

Think of what your one main goal is; let's just say it is to lose 20 pounds. Give yourself a realistic time line and then break that big goal down into smaller goals. 20 pounds in six months is more than doable. So in three months, you will need to lose 10 pounds, meaning you only need to lose less than four pounds in a month. By only losing less than a pound a week, you can lose 20 pounds in six months.

2. Compete With Friends or Strangers

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(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Find out if you have other friends or family members that are trying to lose weight and team up with them to stay motivated to meet your New Year fitness goals. You do not even have to be in the same state. By tracking progress online or through social media sites, you can keep each other in check. If you do not know anyone personally, ask at fitness centers or online forums for anyone else that needs to lose the same amount of weight or wants to maintain their current form.

3. Keep a Blog or Journal

It is a good idea to keep a journal during your weight loss journey. Sometimes you may have ups and downs that you need to express, but might not feel comfortable expressing them to someone else or you may not have someone else to express them too. If you would like to share your experiences with others, an online blog is also a good option. Just be prepared that for every good comment you receive, you must also be prepared to receive negative comments.

4. Know That It's OK to Fail Sometimes

You never know when you will have an unexpected lunch or party at work, or you might just want to eat pizza and watch movies with your kids. It is OK to enjoy food and your life. If you do not lose the weight you want one week, or gain some of it back, it is OK, you have the next week to make up for it. You need to be happy during your fitness plan or it will not be worth the work.

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