Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Book Review: Foundation: Redefine Your Core, Conquer Back Pain, and Move with Confidence

It isn’t that often that a truly new fitness idea comes around, but with Foundation: Redefine Your Core, Conquer Back Pain, and Move with Confidence by Eric Goodman and Peter Park, you’ll find a totally new approach to improving your health and fitness.

Foundation: Redefine Your Core, Conquer Back Pain, and Move with Confidence
This book is the collaboration between two fitness and wellness experts that teamed up to create a fitness book that focuses on strengthening the back instead of the abdominal muscles to enjoy true core fitness.

Peter Park is one of the top fitness trainers in the United States and has worked with top athletes and celebrities including Derek Fisher, Lance Armstrong, and Kelly Slater. He is the co-owner of Platinum Fitness Summerland and has over 20 years of experience in the fitness industry.

Dr. Eric Goodman is a chiropractor who also works as a strength coach and personal trainer. His understanding of the back has led him to create a program that improves the body’s ability to heal and move with ease.

This dream-team of exercise scientists brings a new approach to fitness that helps create more flexibility, improved endurance, along with more power. If you’ve been disappointed by fitness programs that leave you feeling unbalanced and in pain, this program can teach you techniques that will turn those problems around.
You don’t have to be a body builder to know that fitness can be difficult. Many programs that focus on core fitness focus only on the abdominal muscles. The idea is that by strengthening them you’ll improve your fitness.

But with Foundation: Redefine Your Core Conquer Back Pain, and Move with Confidence, you’ll find an approach that focuses instead on the back. By strengthening this area of the body you’ll have fewer problems with balance, back pain, and you’ll strengthen your entire body.

Often people who have back pain have a very tough time getting in shape. In spite of doing sit-ups and crunches, they never can seem to get relief. But by using the exercises in this book, you can become free of the pain and actually improve your fitness levels.

People who have had back injuries, surgery, and other back problems will be able to follow these easy instructions to strengthen the back and alleviate pain. Having a strong back creates a foundation upon which the rest of your fitness can be built.

If you’ve ever experienced back pain you know that it can affect the way the rest of your entire body moves. And back pain can be chronic, persistent, and debilitating. But by following a program of strengthening and stretching the back, you can have relief and be able to move with freedom once again.

When you’re getting started with an exercise program, you can quickly burn out - especially if  you experience pain and injury related to your back. But with this program you’ll experience the opposite – less pain and more flexibility.

As you follow the Foundation program you’ll gain balance and strength, and exercise will actually become easier for you. With a solid foundation and understanding of musculoskeletal structure and fitness, these two experts present a whole new way of becoming fit. By strengthening the back, all fitness areas become feasible.

In this book, not only will you learn the roots of back pain and dysfunction, but you will also learn how to fix these issues. The book includes tons of information, but probably the most valuable part for me was the workouts.

The book includes 3 different workouts - the Basic Workout of 5 basic exercises for beginners to help strengthen your back and core, the Moderate Workout of 7 exercises to further strengthen your back, reduce pain, and prevent injury, and the Intense Workout - 10 exercises that help improve on the foundation that you have built in the previous sections. Each exercise is accompanied by detailed photographs and instructions that are clear and easy to follow.

The book also includes some bonus exercises that you can add into your routine when ready, and create a healthy lifestyle to achieve true fitness and health.

Foundation: Redefine Your Core, Conquer Back Pain, and Move with Confidence is a great book for anyone who wants to get in shape but struggles with issues of back pain and imbalance.

With this book you can learn exercises that strengthen your core by focusing on your back. When your back is strong and healthy, all fitness activities become easier to perform and you can truly improve your fitness and wellness.

If you have a job that requires you to sit all day, have a lot of stress, or have experienced an injury or surgery, this book can help you to get the relief you desire. It goes beyond traditional exercise programs to create a program focusing on strength and wellness for your back.

You’ll also benefit if you want to get in shape, but pain has kept you from doing so. Many people who have followed this program find that their back pain has completely disappeared allowing them to improve their fitness for life.

This approach is based on science and the experience of two industry professionals who really know what they’re doing.

You can have Foundation: RedefineYour Core, Conquer Back Pain, and Move with Confidence delivered to your home, your Kindle or Kindle reader and you can find it here on Amazon.com.

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