Friday, November 13, 2015

[Video] High Intensity Cardio & Strengthening Workout

Boost your metabolism, burn fat, and build muscle with this full-body high-intensity interval training workout. It only takes 30 minutes, but you can burn up to 450 calories, as well as increasing your metabolism to keep burning fat even after you're done!

The full 30-minute workout includes a warmup and cool-down, with 10 1-minute strength-building and cardio exercises in between.

All you need for this workout is a set of 3-10 lb dumbbells and a mat, so you can do it just about anywhere.

Caution: Please note that this is a high intensity workout, so you should consult with your doctor or physical trainer before attempting it, especially if you are at a low fitness level, or have any pre-existing injuries.

Grab a mat and some water, and let's work out!

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