Thursday, August 18, 2011

Video - Fun Dance Workout Idea

Here is a great fun workout idea - sexy, fun, energizing, and challenging, this may be a new idea for you but it's one that's worth checking out!  Classes are available at many fitness clubs these days, or you can always just dance at home - it is easier than ever to find new fun ways to exercise online (see below for some resources).

Check it out, and get shaking!

Belly Dance Workout by Mihaela Coman shows you how belly dancing can be fun and a great way to stay in shape! WATCH THIS VIDEO IN HIGH QUALITY HERE:

Some Fun Belly Dance Workouts You Can Do At Home:

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. This is I think by far the most fun exercise I've been through aside from pole dancing. I'm really that much into dancing that's why I try new exercises that's not really boring but at the same time keeps me in shape.

  2. Thanks for the feedback! I find dancing is one of my favorite forms of exercise ever - I've tried a number of different dances, and they are all fun. Glad you liked it!
