Thursday, December 8, 2011

Kettlenetics - Weight Training With a Fun Twist

Have you heard of Kettle Balls? Also called kettlebells they’re the latest and greatest addition to a home gym or fitness center workout. The equipment is taking the country by storm and you can get in on the benefits right in your own home.

kettlebellImage via WikipediaWhat are Kettle Balls or Kettlebells?

Kettle Balls or kettlebells are actually Russian weights. They’re made of cast iron which makes them extremely heavy. They range in size from four pounds to almost 200 pounds. They’re popular because they’re easy to use. A kettlebell is a round weight with a handle on it. The handle gives you more control over the movement. It also means you can easily hold one weight in each hand.

The Benefits of Kettlebells

Kettlebells are compact. Instead of requiring a full dumbbell set for strength training you can grab a kettlebell kit for your home gym and store it in a corner. They’re also much easier to use than a basic dumbbell. Traditionally, women have avoided dumbbells and weight lifting.

However, kettlebells make strength training with weights more accessible. And due to their growing popularity many manufacturers offer attractive and colorfully painted kettlebells. No more drab cast iron and steel. You can now have pink, purple, yellow and red weights! It’s motivating and cheerful.

Additionally, strength training with kettlebells is also something you can fit into a few minutes. If you have ten minutes you can pick up your weights and focus on a muscle group. You don’t need to do a full sixty minute workout to start seeing results.

Kettlenetics with Michelle Khai

Michelle Khai is a master fitness instructor known worldwide. She’s developed a Kettleball fitness program that is both inexpensive and extremely effective. You can purchase her Slim and Tone Kit which comes with three workouts on two DVDs and your required four pound kettlebell. Or you can purchase the DVD workouts “Kettlenetics” which includes four DVDs. You’ll need to purchase the four pound kettlebell separately.

The four DVDs include:

* KB Elements – an instructional kettlebell movement DVD. Learn the basics before you begin the workouts so you gain maximum benefit. It’s also important to make sure you have good form when working with a kettlebell. Injury is possible without good form.

* FlowMotion Basics – This is a twenty minute workout that includes both standing and floor exercises. It’s great for sculpting your muscles.

* Cardio Balanced – this is a forty minute fat burning workout that will really kick up your metabolism and burn calories.

* KB Target Toning – provides five ten-minute workouts so you can focus on your problem areas one at a time.

The combined Kettlenetics program provides you with a complete workout system. And all you need is a single four pound kettlebell! If you want an incredibly inexpensive yet comprehensive fitness program consider Kettlenetics. You’ll burn fat, lose weight and tone your muscles with one program.

The Kettlenetics Workout Program:
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