Thursday, April 12, 2012

One Man's Personal Fitness Story

Here is an article shared by a guy who has been working hard on his fitness for some time - he prefers not to share his name, but it's a great story, so check it out, and hopefully you'll find it helpful or even inspirational!

My Personal Fitness Journey 
-By Anonymous

More and more people are looking into ways of losing weight. Obesity is an ever increasing problem and being over-weight can cause many different health problems.

There are many different diets out there which try to help people to lose their excess fat, but  these can be very difficult to follow as the whole reason we are over weight is because we love our food! Many diets  normally recommend us to eat healthy but uninspiring foods. These diets have never really worked for me, partly because I have possibly not got the right attitude, but mainly just because I find it hard to stick to them. A month maybe, six months certainly not.

In my opinion exercise is the best way to lose weight. But going to a gym is certainly not for everyone and is somewhere I feel out of place and exposed. I always feel that people are looking, talking and laughing at me behind my back. Maybe I am just too paranoid!

I personally would recommend hiring a personal trainer. Now you might think that only the rich and famous could possibly do this but you would be wrong. There are many personal fitness trainers who are either connected to a gym or who advertise locally in newspapers or magazines.

Personal trainer assisting and correcting a cl...Personal trainer assisting and correcting a client during a fitball stretching exercise (not an actual photo of the author) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)These are specially trained people who are willing to come to your house to show you how to correctly exercise and they do not cost an arm and a leg.

If you have attempted this route before but have had a negative experience do not despair. It may well be because you just did not hit it off with that specific person. I have been using a personal trainer for the last five months and only went for him after trying out four others first.

My personal trainer is very good for me. He keeps me on my toes, and is very good at making me continue to work hard even when I want to quit. He is also very fair and seems to understand just how far to push me. Together we have worked out and agreed on a program which includes various goals for the future. He also has a good understanding of the types of food which I should and should not be eating. I am happily still able to eat a lot of foods which I like and he has also introduced me to a number of other ideas which are healthy but also very tasty.

Hiring a personal trainer was the best thing I have ever done with regards to losing weight and I would recommend it to other people. I have now lost the beer belly and still continue working hard, though it is now more as a health and overall fitness thing rather than to lose even more weight.

The trainer has even stated that I am likely to actually gain weight in the future as certain muscles grow, since muscle weighs more than fat. I will not be fat though, I will be toned and even a little muscular. I look forward to the future and can also now for the first time in a number of years enjoy shopping for clothes.

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