Thursday, October 13, 2011

Guide to Different Yoga Styles - Part 2

Today we are exploring several more types of yoga. If you missed Part 1, you will want to check that out too as it covers some styles that form the basis for the ones we are discussing today. Also check out the videos at the bottom for some examples of these yoga types that you can grab quite affordably if you would like to try them at home.

Yoga postures Urdva_DhanurasanaImage via WikipediaBikram Yoga
Bikram yoga was created by Bikram Choudhury. It is a structures series of 26 asanas or poses and the classes are always in a hot room. This type of yoga isn’t for everyone. Make sure you bring a lot of water and are healthy enough to take this type of class.

Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar yoga may be the second most popular type of yoga, second to power yoga. Most of the poses in Iyengar yoga are active poses. You’ll be on your feet. You’ll also use props like blocks and belts to help you adjust the pose to your fitness level and experience. It’s popular because it is welcoming to most all health levels and fitness levels. And instructors are rigorously taught before they receive certification. You know an Iyengar yoga teacher is on top of things! Precise alignment and attention to detail are part of an Iyengar practice.

Vinyasa / Vinyasa Flow
Vinyasa yoga offers more flow between poses than other forms of yoga however, it is still quite rigorous. You’re only supposed to take one breath per movement. So breathing and control are necessary. Yet most Vinyasa yoga classes are considered less traditional than other forms. You may experience a variety of poses, rather than repetition. You may also listen to music during your class instead of meditative silence.

Before starting any yoga class consider what you want to gain and focus on. Are you looking for a spiritual experience? Do you want it to be part of an intense fitness program? Are you looking for a more well-rounded experience? Most yoga studios offer beginner classes and a first class is free option. Take advantage of these. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. And if you’re considering power yoga or hot yoga make sure your doctor gives you the okay.

To try out some of these yoga styles in your own home, videos are a convenient and affordable choice. Here are some examples of videos on the styles we covered today.

Yoga Videos for Home Workouts:
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