Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Jillian Michaels is Kicking My Butt!

Wow, well it's been a while since I have visited my Yoga Meltdown video on here.... I would like to report some great progress, but the truth is I've been a bit lazy lately (see, it even happens to me sometimes), and haven't been doing my yoga workout as often as I should. I'm still doing it - it's just only about once a week lately (although, to be fair, I have been throwing some other workouts into the mix, so it's not like I've just been sitting around most of the time).

Anyway, I've been doing Level 1 of Jillian Michaels' Yoga Meltdown workout since last July - fairly regularly, except for during my back pain episode last fall. I am someone who is gung-ho about a workout for a while - love it, can't get enough of it, etc., until I get bored. So lately I've been feeling less motivated about the Yoga Meltdown workout, and I figured what the heck, I'll try Level 2 - it can't be THAT much harder, right??

Ummmm...WRONG. This workout is some serious stuff! I'm in pretty good shape (and have been doing yoga for 8 months now), and there were exercises in there that I couldn't even do - not even the beginner version! I was seriously sore (my entire body) for 3 full days. Not that it wasn't fun...or it will be, someday, when I'm ready for it. But for now, it gave me a new-found appreciation for Level 1, and I will be enjoying this one for some time to come. :-)

As a funny, slightly related note, I was on an exercise forum the other day, and someone was asking for a good, challenging workout video "without an annoyingly perky instructor". Someone else had suggested a Jillian Michaels video, with the comment that "Not only is she not annoyingly perky, she seems like she would come to your house and punch you if you don't work hard enough."  Ha ha! So true....

More Jillian Michaels Workouts:
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